Teamwork to make your dream of getting back on your feet work!
At Life After Stroke Organization, we provide you with helpful information to make stroke recovery easier. We know that it often takes teamwork to make your ultimate dream a reality, so, in that vein, we have made available a list of service providers that may be able to assist you in your process. While we provide the listing, we are in no way recommending or sanctioning any particular company or individual; neither do we benefit financially from any services you may engage in with the service provider.

Rehabilitation Services
Dr. Alaina Mortimer-Wilson
Tel: 242-477-0880
Anachronist- Eduardo Thompson
Tel: 242-4299364
Autira Newbold- Neuro. specialist
Tel: 242-357-7819
Charlis Robins- PT.
Tel: 242-818-5561
Dr. Kelly Miller- PT.
Tel: 242-821-5003
Phillipa Rolle- OT.
Tel: 242-359-1494
Lavaugn Neymour- OT.
Tel: 242-825-9175
Nurse Care
De’Alton Deveaux, TCN
Tel: 242-376-9184
Deborah Johnson , RN.
Tel: 242-823-1476
Aneka Johnson, RN
Tel: 242-557-9372
Sabrina Laing, RN
Tel: 242-823-4688
Marsha Minns, RN
Tel: 242-445-4490
Medical Care
Dr. Edwin Demeritte
Tel: 242-357-7147
Dr. Richard Knowles
Tel: 242-557-2524, 242-322-2089
Dr.Clyde Munnings,
Tel: 242-322-8411
Dr. Charles Rahming,
Tel: 242-322-4936
Dr. Margo Munroe,
Dr. Yasmin Williams-Robinson
Family Medicine
Tel: 242-601-3492
Dr. Marcus Cooper
Tel: 242-601-3492
Dr. Neil Parker
Tel: 242-601-3492